Joshua Galeria


I'm pursuing my B.S. in Computer Engineering at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2024. I plan on becoming a Software Engineer in the near future.

Interests: Software Engineering, Robotics, Computer Vision, Machine Learning


Calvin Shindo Student Venture Fund 2023

Student led venture fund making investments in UH affiliated startups and encouraging entrepreneurship within the student community

Project Management Investing

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Rate My Facilities 2023

An application for University of Hawai'i students to rate facilities on campus such as restrooms, water fountains, and more.

Web Development Software Engineering

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Ground Station 2022

Web interface to communicate with and control a mini production Mars rover.

ROS JavaScript

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Animal Farm 2021

Web interface to communicate with and control a mini production Mars rover.

C C++ Doxygen

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09 May 2024

Project Scope During the Spring 2024 Semester, the ICS 414 class was structured in a project based format to create a minimum viable product (MVP) for a customer based on the ideas of her organization. I was assigned to a...


Agile and IDEs

12 Dec 2023

Development Environments Every engineer has a set of tools in their belt. For software engineers, your development environment is one of them. Over the course of this semester, we used the IntelliJ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for all our coursework....

IDE, Agile

Design Patterns

30 Nov 2023

Introduction In the context of software engineering, a design pattern is typically a repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. This pattern isn’t something that can just be copy and pasted into your code and expected to...

Design Patterns


20 Nov 2023

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. It’s interesting to see how the educational experience has changed drastically within the last 4 years. The world first had to adapt to an online learning environment, then shortly transition...

Artificial Intelligence

User Friendly User Framework!

04 Oct 2023

Web Dev and UI Web development has been constantly evolving and it seems like a majority of companies are diverting their resources to a strong online presence. User Interface (UI) frameworks allow web developers to simplify their process of designing...

User Interface, Bootstrap 5

Final Project Idea: Student Connections Board

30 Oct 2023

Authors Joshua Galeria Problem Statement Student entrereneurs don’t have an online platform within the university to be connected with other students and founders. Solution The Student Connections Board is a student portal for students to share business and project ideas...

Software Engineering Meteor

See all 10 essays