Final Project Idea: Student Connections Board

30 Oct 2023


Joshua Galeria

Problem Statement

Student entrereneurs don’t have an online platform within the university to be connected with other students and founders.


The Student Connections Board is a student portal for students to share business and project ideas and connect with other students to make it happen. For example, a marketing major might need a computer science student, finance student, and legal student to work on their business idea.

Mockup Page Ideas

Case Ideas

Adam is a computer science student who is hoping to create a startup. However, he needs an engineering student who will build his hardware, a marketing student that will market the product, and a financial student that will help with the funding and financing of the company. Adam posts his skills on his profile, a summary for his startup idea and posts the skills he’s looking for. Cassidy is a marketing student who wants to get involved with the startup scene. She creates a profile online and connects with Adam. They then start their business and utilize the connections board to fill out the rest of their team.

Beyond the Basics